stages: - test - deploy ## Cache composer packages between all jobs and all branches ## of this project... cache: key: one-key-to-rull-them-all paths: - composer-cache/ # Test with PHP7.2 test:php72: stage: test image: cylab/php72 before_script: # Install all project dependencies - COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=./composer-cache composer install # setup Laravel - cp env.test .env - touch storage/app/db.sqlite - php artisan migrate script: - vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text --colors=never - vendor/bin/phpcs - vendor/bin/phpstan analyze --memory-limit=512M test:dependencies: image: cylab/php74 script: # in cylab/php74, security-checker is already installed... - ~/.composer/vendor/bin/security-checker security:check composer.lock test:gitleaks: stage: test image: name: "zricethezav/gitleaks" entrypoint: [""] script: # to avoid # fatal: unsafe repository ('/builds/...' is owned by someone else) # with recent git versions - git config --global --add $CI_PROJECT_DIR - gitleaks detect -v -c gitleaks.toml ./