<?php namespace Tests\Unit; use App\User; use App\Notification; use App\Organization; use App\Server; use App\Sensor\Disks; use App\Sensor\Ifconfig; use App\Sensor\Partition; use App\Sensor\DiskEvolution; use Tests\TestCase; use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase; class ExampleTest extends TestCase { use RefreshDatabase; /** * A basic test example. * * @return void */ public function testBasicTest() { $this->assertTrue(true); } public function testRelations() { $user = new User(); $user->name = "test"; $user->email = "test@example.com"; $user->password = "abc123"; $user->save(); $organization = new Organization(); $organization->name = "Org"; $organization->save(); $organization->users()->save($user); $this->assertEquals( "Org", $user->organizations()->first()->name ); } /** * @group ifconfig * @group sensors */ public function testIfconfig() { $string = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/ifconfig"); $sensor = new Ifconfig(new \App\Server()); $interfaces = $sensor->parseIfconfig($string); $this->assertEquals(2, count($interfaces)); $this->assertEquals("enp0s31f6", $interfaces[0]->name); $this->assertEquals("", $interfaces[1]->address); $this->assertEquals(1074590056, $interfaces[1]->rx); $this->assertEquals(2074977132, $interfaces[1]->tx); } public function testDiskEvolution() { $p = new Partition(); $p->filesystem = "test"; $p->blocks = 20; $p->used = 10; $p2 = new Partition(); $p2->filesystem = "test"; $p2->blocks = 15; $p2->used = 5; $oldPartitions = array($p, $p2); $p = new Partition(); $p->filesystem = "test"; $p->blocks = 20; $p->used = 15; $p2 = new Partition(); $p2->filesystem = "test"; $p2->blocks = 15; $p2->used = 10; $newPartitions = array($p, $p2); $newAndOld = array($newPartitions, $oldPartitions); $sensor = new DiskEvolution(new \App\Server()); $result = $sensor->computeEvolution($newAndOld); // test the result is correct... $this->assertequals(5, $result[0]->delta); $this->assertequals(5, $result[1]->delta); $this->assertequals("test", $result[0]->filesystem); $this->assertequals("test", $result[1]->filesystem); $this->assertequals(((20-15)/5), $result[0]->timeUntillFull); $this->assertequals(((15-10)/5), $result[1]->timeUntillFull); } public function testDisksSensor() { $string = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/df"); $sensor = new Disks(new Server()); $disks = $sensor->parse($string); $this->assertEquals(3, count($disks)); $this->assertEquals("/dev/sda1", $disks[1]->filesystem); $this->assertEquals(1128926648, $disks[1]->blocks); } public function testNetstatListening() { $string = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/netstat-tcp"); $sensor = new \App\Sensor\ListeningPorts(new Server()); $ports = $sensor->parse($string); $this->assertEquals(16, count($ports)); $this->assertEquals("31933/cloud-backup-", $ports[4]->process); $this->assertEquals(1024, $ports[4]->port); $this->assertEquals("", $ports[4]->bind); } public function testSsacli() { $string = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/ssacli"); $sensor = new \App\Sensor\Ssacli(new Server()); $disks = $sensor->parse($string); $this->assertEquals("OK", $disks[0]->status); } public function testUpdates() { $sensor = new \App\Sensor\Updates(new \App\Server()); $string1 = "6 packages can be updated. 2 updates are security updates."; $status = $sensor->parse($string1); $this->assertEquals(2, $status["security"]); $string2 = "1 package can be updated. 1 update is a security update. "; $status2 = $sensor->parse($string2); $this->assertEquals(1, $status2["security"]); } public function testMeminfo() { $string = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/meminfo"); $server = new \App\Server(); $mem_total = $server->parseMeminfo($string); $this->assertEquals("15954328", $mem_total); } /** * @group cpuinfo */ public function testCpuinfo() { $string = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/cpuinfo"); $server = new \App\Server(); $cpuinfo = $server->parseCpuinfo($string); $this->assertEquals(8, $cpuinfo["threads"]); $this->assertEquals("Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz", $cpuinfo["cpu"]); } /** * @group uptime */ public function testUptime() { $string = "24439.45 190434.65"; $server = new Server(); $uptime = $server->parseUptime($string); $this->assertEquals("6 hours", $uptime); } public function testUUID() { $server = new Server(); $uuid = $server->parseUUID(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/system")); $this->assertEquals("74F7C34C-2924-11B2-A85C-DC427DCA7109", $uuid); } /** * @group cpuinfo */ public function testCpuinfoSingleCPU() { $string = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/cpuinfo_1cpu"); $server = new \App\Server(); $cpuinfo = $server->parseCpuinfo($string); $this->assertEquals(1, $cpuinfo["threads"]); $this->assertEquals("Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz", $cpuinfo["cpu"]); } public function testManufacturer() { $string = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/system"); $server = new \App\Server(); $manufacturer = $server->parseManufacturer($string); $this->assertEquals("LENOVO", $manufacturer); } public function testProductName() { $string = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/system"); $server = new \App\Server(); $manufacturer = $server->parseProductName($string); $this->assertEquals("20J60018MB", $manufacturer); } public function testClientVersion() { $server = new \App\Server(); $client_version = new \App\Sensor\ClientVersion($server); $this->assertStringMatchesFormat('%d.%d.%d', $client_version->latestVersion()); } /** * @group status-change */ public function testStatusChangeDetection() { $organization = new Organization(); $organization->name = "ACME"; $organization->save(); $server = new \App\Server(); $server->name = "My test server"; $server->organization()->associate($organization); $server->save(); $server_id = $server->id; $user = new User(); $user->name = "Test"; $user->email = "thibault.debatty@gmail.com"; $user->password = "qmlskdj"; $user->save(); $organization->users()->attach($user->id); $this->assertEquals($server_id, \App\StatusChange::getLastChangeForServer(1)->server_id); // Insert a fake status change $change = new \App\StatusChange(); $change->status = 155; $change->server_id = $server_id; $change->save(); // Run change detection $change_detection_job = new \App\Jobs\StatusChangeDetection(); $change_detection_job->detectChangeForServer($server); // Check if a new StatusChange was inserted in Mongo $last_change = \App\StatusChange::getLastChangeForServer($server_id); $this->assertEquals( $server->status(), $last_change->status ); // Check if a notification were inserted $this->assertTrue(Notification::findForServer($server_id)->count() > 0); // Insert multiple status changes to simulate bouncing for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $change = new \App\StatusChange(); $change->status = 155; $change->server_id = $server_id; $change->save(); // Run change detection $change_detection_job = new \App\Jobs\StatusChangeDetection(); $change_detection_job->detectChangeForServer($server); } } }